5-day/4-night Vacation
Win a Free 5 Day - 4 Night Vacation This Month!

How would you like to go on a 5 day - 4 night Complimentary Vacation to Orlando and Daytona Beach Florida?
Now through March 31, when you enroll at least 5 new students in Success University who pay their first tuition, you will win a FREE 5 day - 4 night vacation to Orlando and Daytona Beach Florida!
The vacation package is valid for two adults and two children 17 years of age or younger. The package entitles the bearer to 2 nights beachside resort/hotel accomodations in Daytona Beach, Florida PLUS 2 nights hotel accomodations in the Disney area of Orlando, Florida. (available year around)

You only need to enroll 5 active students between March 1st and March 31st to Win!
Best of Luck and we hope to see you on the beaches!
- Success University Support Staff -
Categories: Success-University
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