Article On Driving Traffic to a Blog or Website
Categories: Tips
This posting was originally posted at 9:40AM on Sunday, April 9, 2006
Yesterday I didn't do much work. I spent time reading articles after articles and postings after postings. What I was looking for yesterday is specific on the subject of how to drive internet traffic to your website.
Some of those things that I read are simply good but some of them are
From my observation if the content is good then I would want to know more about the author and what the author has written and posted. So naturally I will go to the author's website or blog to read more postings.
Now what are the attributes that I can think of that entice me.
Here they are :
1 - Told me what they exactly did, for example there is one posting about blogads, the writer explained what they are and how he used them. He experimented with two blogs and gave a good analysis on the performance. There are others explaining in depth matter about Google Adsense which I've not known before and also fraud which
was done by irresponsible publisher.
2 - No hint of advertising something in the article, just plain saying he was using some applications to do things. Not something like "....this thing really explode my passive'd want it...go become affiliate.." or something like that but in general, all the postings didn't have that kind of connotation.
3 - Will give me hints and ideas what I should do to drive more traffic coming to my blog. For example, up until now, I don't have any idea who and how many people have visited my blog. One of the article recommended to track visitors coming to your website. I also read that there are various ways traffics are tracked. You can choose to have visitor counter or web tracker or both with statistic report. In any situation, knowing where you are compared to others or your end goal is very important. That should be the basis of your next steps to achieve your target.
4 - The article is a bit different from other article, after I went through lots of reading there are a few that sounded like summary of something or simply repeating each other. I will at first glance or preview through an article to assess it's worth and if nothing intrigued me, then that's it, off to other place. Maybe they've read an article and modified it a bit or did the copy and paste thing. You can copy but add value, add value, add value. That's how the Japanese and the Korean do it.
5 - The posting is readable, this is reffering to how it is written, not on what is written. Simply rereading and rereading sentences to make out the meaning makes me dizzy. It's a waste of time. This happens in my opinion, when the writer write directly as he would speak to others or didn't do enough proofreading. If the content is heavy or technical and not easy to be comprehended, its alright, have you ever learn much when doing those easy things in life. In this situation the reader will still be able to get the basic meaning of the discussion. He should be able to come to the conclusion that the writer has explained something on the subject and
maybe he himself, the reader, need to check more on those things he is not sure about.
6 - There is a person behind that website or blog, who is not embarass to let others know a little bit about him or herself, preferably whom I can see a picture of and some personal information. I would love to know more of the person and would be wondering what do that person has to hide if I cannot find a bit on his or her personal info. It's like having this image of someone without a face or a shadow behind the PC.
There are a few more but maybe until next time....
Arghh... I still haven't finish curing the problem with my blog template...
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