Wednesday, April 12, 2006

One Thing at A Time

One of my upline, Kidino sent an e-mail to me today.

He is going to release an ebook on search engine optimization (SEO)techniques for Adsense and affiliate programs.

The price for me as his subscriber is cheaper, so shall I buy it. I thought and thought and thought and finally.... naaah... I don't think so. I couldn't do so many things at the same time. Zamri has also advised me to take one thing at a time and master it, after that start looking for other technique to try and test.

If Kidino offer me it for free, I'll take it..hehe.

Under the ebook by Daegan "Internet MLM Success", do you know how many techniques there are. There are three under the free techniques and under the paid one there are another three, I've listed them below;

Forum Marketing
Article Marketing

Ezine Advertising
PPC Marketing

I have only started Blogging and Article Marketing and joined Daegan's Coop where I've paid him $80. In him...I have full trust to put up advertising banners for people to opt into my SU promotional page.

The number of prospects appearing in my SU lead page are encouraging but not on the conversion. But as Daegan said this is a number game, expect to get higher conversion if more people opt in.

I guess I have to put more effort into getting more targetted traffic to my blog.

And finally I've got a personally sponsored downline member, so thanks to the team leaders and SU for supporting me.