Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Shopping Without Buying Your Kids Those Unnecessary Stuffs

I remembered a few years back year reading an article in a newspaper. In that article a study was done with one family.

There were three kids and the most interesting part is what happened between the parents and the oldest child. He is a teenager and a rebelious one. Well, most teenagers are like that, and I think that also apply to me when I was at that point in life. Wearing clothes and listening to music that my parents would not approved.

In this study the researcher applied one method: if you want someone to behave in certain way, then you, yourself must start treating that way to the person.

For example if you want somebody to behave trustworthily, then give that person that kind of encouragement and involved him or her in a situation where she can exhibit and apply the behaviour.

Normally parents don't really listen to what their child is saying. So, in that study the researcher asked the parents to talk to the children and listen to what they wanted to say. In their situation they were not happy of eldest son coming home late and they discussed about this with him. I couldn't remember much on gist of the conversation, but the result is that the child agreed to come home before a set time and he really kept his words to the surprise of the parents.

Now, that intrigued me and although my kids were 5 and 6 years at that time, I asked my wife why don't we try this with them. What problem did we face with them? Maybe we can used this to our kids.

Parents who have young children must have come across this situation.

"OK, now let's go to the shopping mall," says one of the parent to the children.

They heard what you said and they start jumping around and shouting happily. They're very excited of the prospect going somewhere interesting.

After everyone is ready the whole family get into the car, drive to the mall, park your car and walk to the store and start looking for things you need to buy.

Now there are a few places which I dreaded going, and some of them that I remember :

1. The place where they display toys
2. The place where they display cartoon VCD
3. The place where they display sweets
3. The place where they display ice-cream

Why? This is where my kids will start to be very excited/interested and they will grab/take the item and after studying it for a while, they will come to me jiggling the stuff in their hand and say, "Pa, can I have this?"

How do I react in this situation?

This is how my first experiment is done.

One afternoon before going out shopping, I sat down and said to my children, "We are going out and we are buying this things," I would say out those things one by one. "These are only the things that we will be buying, do you agree."

Then we went to the mall and look for those things listed in the list. Now, it turned out to be easier discussing with them when we stopped near those places which displayed items that were not in the list. I reminded them that they have agreed earlier that we are not going to buy other than those in the list.

OK, after doing this many times you'll find out that at times they will not be happy and will sulk. But that is better than they crying and showing tantrums or you scolding them off. Interestingly, my daughter sometimes surprised me when she replied back, "OK, I'll put it back. I'm only just looking, you know," without showing any displeasure. She's just 6 years old.

So what should you do next time:

1. List down what should be bought
2. Inform them you're going shopping with them
3. Discuss and negotiate with them to agree on what should be bought
4. Don't forget to bring the list with you or let your child which tend to be more emotional to keep it
5. Try not to stop at those spots which will give them new ideas
6. If you are unfortunate enough to get in that situation,take out the list and re-enact the session at home with them
7. Courteously ask them to put back the thing, don't scold them
8. After that just leave the spot with them
9. Next, go to those places which you know they will be very interested in and stir their joy, for instance if I listed down fruits I don't really mind buying green apple, red apple or pear, oranges or all of them. I just ask what they'd like and what color do they think looks nice, or do they like the smell.

Try it, and see what happen the next time you go out shopping with them.


Monday, March 27, 2006

Viruses, Firewalls and Updates

All those invaders have been eliminated. I used AVG, Avast,
Kaspersky(only for a short while before I terminated and
uninstalled it, made my PC ran like snail) and Antivir.

Then cleaned my PC from spyware and adware using Spybot
and Ad-aware.

I'm satisfied with the result and now I have the latest
version of AVG antivirus on my PC.

Firewall was different thing altogether. I've been using
ZoneAlarm for a few years and until last week I was happy
with the performance.

After finished installing antivirus and spyware/ad aware
application, I proceeded to update the latest version of
ZoneAlarm. When I tried to install it problems start coming.
This is my fourth update. The first three updating is
without hiccups. In the past it knew what to do with the
earlier version.

I searched the web and found out steps that are necessary
to overcome the problem from Zone Labs Customer Care link.

do this
do that
delete this
delete that....

After going through all the steps diligently, guess what?
I'm stuck with a file called vsmon.exe, residing at
WINNT\System32\zonelabs directory which I cannot delete,
remove or rename, even from command prompt under safe mode
after booting from floopy drive, nothing.

The next day I search for "delete vsmon.exe" and at Unlocker ,
got this advice. Use unlocker to delete any application that
seems to be stubborn.

So using unlocker I managed to unlock and delete vsmon.exe.
Next I installed latest version of ZoneAlarm and after
finished installing and rebooting my PC, what happened? My PC
ran like a turtle, a bit faster then when I ran Kaspersky.
Most of the time I got sleepy and slept in front of the PC
waiting for something to appear on my screen.

So I uninstalled ZoneAlarm again and have to go through the
same process all over again, yawnnnn..... time to be sleepy.

After that I looked for other firewalls, saved Jettico and
Filseclab from I've installed Jettico and still
studying it, seems quite technical. I'm still not clear on
how to use it properly, so most of the time I have to allow
all packets through the firewall. Hmnnn.....think of having
something but not using it. Well, I'll learn.

No doubt about that.

So what can be learn here, my advise to myself is to have
latest antivirus and firewall and update them regularly.

Next make sure Windows is regularly updated. It's free and
can be done automatically.

About the website that sent me the virus, I think I don't
really have any choice. I wouldn't know if a malware is
waiting to ambush, and sometime in life when you got to do
it, you gotta do it.

And if you don't want to fork out some money for cleaning the
harddisk you should be comfortable enough to know what to do if
your PC is infected. Six years ago I took computer assembly
course for a month and it is really handy when there is problem
with my PC.

But in life you don't need to know everything, you can always
pay for other people services.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Attacked !!!

Last 4 night I continued doing some work with my
SU project.

Busy, registering as member at some articlesender
submission sites to start sending article. It's an
easy way to get branded on the internet and also a
great way to get constant traffic to your website -
Zamri told me. There is an automatic registration
manager but I just wanted to try and register
manually to a few of them.

Put in my info, clicked "submit", received e-mail
asking activation and clicked on a specified link
and ...hey presto... I'm already a member....

Things was running smoothly until I clicked on one
of the link, suddenly I got two pop-ups asking to be
downloaded. I don't accept unsolicited request as
a precaution and I will terminate any pop- up. While
I was strugling to select the window and to press
Alt-F4, both of them disappeared.

From my PC speaker I heard a few clicking sound,
now this should have made me cautious. But I
repeated the steps again and same incidents

After that I couldn't access my e-mail and also the
article manager. The article manager did not
recognized my password anymore.

Unfortunately when this happened, the antivirus
and firewall in my home PC were antiquated.

Actually this is the third time it happened in the
past few years. Every time it happened I had to do
some cleaning and upgrade my security application.
After that I forgot about it until it happened

It's not that I don't know about computer security.
But the thing is, I'm on dial-up, and when I see the
download time for a newer version of something is
going to be soooo..............looooong, that's why I'm
happy with the current version.

Maybe I should upgrade to a higher speed internet
connection, then downloading upgrade should be
a breeze. I'm also now wishing that my connection
is much faster so that I can switch web pages more


For the past few days I've already scanned my PC,
found five unwanted visitors and cleaned them.
I've installed and used 4 latest free antivirus,AVG,
Kaspersky, Avast, Antivir. And my access to e-mail
and articlesender is alright now. But I still have
problem with my firewall "zone alarm", unable to
uninstall properly the previous version. I already
got some information from Google, it seems this
problem is occuring frequently from the few postings
I saw, the problem is similar to me.

There are also steps how to overcome this
problem. I'll see if they work.

See the culprits from the picture above, reported by AVG,
it can be downloaded for free.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Success University Banner Updates

The SU banner at the top of my blog and my right column
(for someone looking at the PC screen) side message was
up last two days. Actually Zamri did it for me. So, a
BIG THANKS to him. I wouldn't have enough knowledge to
do it such in a short time. I'm still learning about HTML.

After this I need to change all the subscribing link to
myself. If not, if somebody happens to subscribe to any
tools put there, it can be considered as a gift to him.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Success University Banner (Testing)

I was advised by Zamri to put up SU Banner in my blog. Here goes...., I'm not sure if it is a good idea to post the banner as a posting, should put it in the blog template, but this is better than nothing. Later I'll find ways to put it in my template, somewhere at the top, just below the blog title "Better Life Opportunity".

Yes....keep learning, keep on learning my boy. At least you've tried something....

Categories: ,

Saturday, March 18, 2006

On Leave

I took leave for two days from Thursday, 16th till Friday, 17th. Went back to my home town with the whole family,visited my parents and in-laws which was long over due. Even though access to internet is available but most of the time, condition is not conducive for me to sit down and start working with my Success University project.

Let me give some updates:

1. Joined coop
2. E-mailed to Zamri and Daegan on my participation
3. Subscribed to autoresponder (Aweber)
4. Updated follow-up e-mails
5. Manually registered people whose name appeared in my Success University back office into my autoresponder.

On Friday morning I spoke to Zamri, the overall conversation was cordial and I felt very encouraged after talking to him.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

5-day/4-night Vacation

Win a Free 5 Day - 4 Night Vacation This Month!

How would you like to go on a 5 day - 4 night Complimentary Vacation to Orlando and Daytona Beach Florida?

Now through March 31, when you enroll at least 5 new students in Success University who pay their first tuition, you will win a FREE 5 day - 4 night vacation to Orlando and Daytona Beach Florida!

The vacation package is valid for two adults and two children 17 years of age or younger. The package entitles the bearer to 2 nights beachside resort/hotel accomodations in Daytona Beach, Florida PLUS 2 nights hotel accomodations in the Disney area of Orlando, Florida. (available year around)

You only need to enroll 5 active students between March 1st and March 31st to Win!

Best of Luck and we hope to see you on the beaches!

- Success University Support Staff -


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Perseverence is the Key to Success

In our life there are things that happened as we
wanted it and sometimes more then we expected.
Then there are those wishes that didn't happened.

When looking back through those years that
passed by, I tend to believe that those goals that
have been achieved were instances when I
persevered through. Relentless searching for
ways to achieve them. I kept charging until it's
showing result.

Believing is really powerful, when you start
believing you can do it then you'll never ever stop
to entertain failures. You must also never be stuck
in only believing, search for way or ways to
achieve the goal. Albert Einstein said that insanity
is doing the same thing over and over again
expecting a different result??? After that, study the
technique, practice it first a few times until you feel
comfortable but you don't have to get it right 100%.
You'll improvised and tweaking it all the way until
achieving mastery.

In Bob Burg ebook, he told us the success
formula, now, what are those success formula?
Head to and you can read it there.

One of my goal now is to have the option to retire by
2010 and from my experience it is achievable if I
put my heart into it. It is the same with you. You can
have what you want.

One of the way that I've choosen is by involving in
internet marketing. In these coming months I'm
going to give extra attention in growing my passive
income through the internet with the help of my


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Success University First Encounter

I got to know Success University (SU) through one
of my upline - Kidino.

He is an internet marketer, I would say a
successful one... he already fired his boss!!!

I would frequent his blog at least once a day to
read his postings.

The thing is, I want to learn how to become a
successful internet marketer. Getting good passive
income so that I can stay at home, and, not to spent more time with my
kids... They have to go to know.

Next time, I'll share stories about them.

Then, one day he posted a topic on MLM. He said
he wasn't sure if going into another MLM is the
right move after failing miserably. After checking
with a few people from SU he felt that online MLM
is not far from what he is doing now. He also like
the people over there. So he joined.

Well, I registered with SU on evening, Jan the 20th
after tinkering with the idea for a few days and
walla... next thing I know I was offered a downline
through an e-mail. Most probably from Kidino or
Zamri (Kidino's upline). It's like when my boss
give me a job and I'd ask when is the dateline.
"Yesterday," came the word, like a thunder coming
down splitting the earth. So in my frustration I
deleted the e-mail. You see the problem is that...,
the offer came after I signed up.

Frankly, after jumping on the bandwagon I didn't
really fiddle around the website. I was as usual,
doing other things. Helping my wife, I guess....

Then, about a week after, my plan is to take the
whole family back to our hometown to see my
parents and in-laws, and you see what happened.

The whole family was down with flu, so we spent
the holidays in our home from Jan 28th until Feb
the 5th.

One day while resting, and feeling sorry for the
family, I said to myself,"Why not have a look at SU

....WOW was I really impressed after listening to
Johny Wimbrey Faculty Call....still in excited mood
on Feb the 7th, I e-mailed to Kidino asking for
guidance on how to start.
