Saturday, April 29, 2006

Why I Moved My Side Bar?

On the 12th of this month, I mentioned, I'm going to tell why I moved this blog sidebar from right to the left.

According to a study Eyetools, Enquiro, and Did-it uncover Search's Golden Triangle, most people will start looking from the left and then move their eyes to the right when they use Google search.

So that's my reason. That's long overdue.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mine to Decide or Is it?

Sometimes in life you are at a cross-road, you have to make a decision. But what if the decision you made, are not for you to carry-out and the execution depend on others.

I meant after thinking and discussing about it, I wanted to turn right, but there's someone else saying I should go left. Then steered my direction to the other way.

You are also not in power to move to the right even though you felt that it is the best decision.

Secondly, there are people that I knew who will ask for my opinion on something but actually have already made up their mind and when they come to ask for my opinion, its just that, nothing more, whatever I said never really matters.

And it hurts when what I'm afraid off will happen.....happen as I predict it would be when they acted based on their decision.

Just Came Back From Johor

Tuesday this week I went to Muar and yesterday to Batu Pahat. Both this towns are in Johor.

This is the second time I went to Muar and the first time I went to Batu Pahat.

So what’s so special about those two towns. Food, yes the food there.

If you go to Muar ask for the best Mee Bandung and if you go to Batu Pahat you should
search for the best Nasi Beriani.

Those foods tasted different from what I used to eat in Kuala Lumpur and they're more
delicious there.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bonus Gifts for Co-op Participants

This month I participated in the co-op with the help from Zamri.

Thanks to him.

I couldn't pay Daegan using my credit card until I verified it. As the verification code will only appear in my next statement, technically I will only be able to pay and participate next month.

Luckily Zamri proposed an arrangement and I manage to pay the $80 to Daegan.

Apart from that he is also offering to help anybody from his team interested in moving forward his or her SU business by:

1. Giving out 20 royalty free articles for article marketing;
Personally I prefer to do research and come out with my own article, but it takes time. If I don't have the time this will really help.

2. Helping to setup a blog at;
If you don't know how to start a blog, then here is the opportunity to start one. Getting someone more knowledgeable to help you set up a blog cuts down your blog construction time.

3. Telling two places to submit those articles;
Of course in business you need to get people attention. I've use an article submitter service and saw my articles picked up by some article directories and saw click coming from the article.

I've got all the gifts and going to use them.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Daegan's Team Co-op is Opened

Yesterday, I’ve received e-mail from Zamri saying that Success University co-op is opened for participation and it’s limited to only 150 people from Daegan’s team.

I’m going to invest another 80dollars and buy myself a share in the coop. I’ve got reasonable lead response and even got one signed-up from my previous co-op participation.

This Co-op is Daegan's brain child, so far no other SU team do it. Because he feels that many of the his downline members are not comfortable to do advertising on the internet he came out with this idea. After getting enough participants and cash, he and a few other leaders who have the expertise will scout for place that’s great for advertisement.

Anyone who clicks on the advertisement will be sent to a participant's Success University promotional web page and will need to give their name and e-mail address to get more information.

Leads will be distributed evenly using URL rotator to every participant via URL rotator. In that way each one will get their fair of share. It’s up to the participant to take the next action, either to make a prospecting call or mail.

As I see that majority of my lead come from other countries, I use Aweber auto responder to e-mail to them.

This is my second participation, yesterday I tried to make the payment to Success University Co-op but unfortunately I have to wait for about another 4 days. I need to be verified by PayPal first before making the payment.

If I miss this month Co-op then I’ll join next month.

Why You Must Build Your Own Business?


I submitted this article to article sender on Monday and yesterday saw it appearing at

These are some of the things that I've heard when I talk to a few of my friends:

-I've have been working for quite a few years and felt that I'm getting nowhere.

-I've have been working for quite a few years and I decided I want to do something else.

-I've have been working for quite a few years and then I've heard they're going to do the downsizing exercise.

-I've have been working for quite a few years and suddenly realize that I never knew much about my wife or husband and the kids.


Sometimes last week I had an interesting talk with one of my friends. I wanted to see him. So I called him and asked if he has the time to see me during lunch.

He said, "No problem, we'll have lunch together."

He has been a weekend husband for more than a year now and wished that he can go back to his hometown and work somewhere near his family. He is also tinkering with the idea that he should make a living by doing something that he likes.

My Friend's Vision

He mentioned to me he likes cooking and is thinking going into baking and selling cakes. His idea is to open an outlet back home, where he can do the business of baking and selling cakes.

I challenged him, why don't you open one here. His reply was, "I wanted to be near my family and relatives." Well sometime we wanted to be far from our relatives. But there are benefits to be near them as what he told me. No need to explain on that. It's the usual things.

The other problem is that the cost of opening a store is much higher here and bringing his family to this bigger town also will increase his expenditure.

He described a bit on his plan:

1) Attend bakery class with his relatives
2) Buy or rent a small lot
3) Buy the equipment for baking cakes
4) Sell the cakes

I asked some other things including workers. His answer is that he is going to partner with his relative, so maybe they don't need staff. Although I'm skeptical if such a business can be easily ran, without any workers, he has the vision and if he starts it he'll learn and can tweak his business operation. If the business needs staff or anything else, it will show and he'll have to consider it.

My Online Business

Before this I've always been attracted to investments that will grow by itself and needing little care, so I can have more time to enjoy other interesting things. Investing in an online business is my third investment decision that I've took, and with my wife agreement.

The first two is doing alright and I think I don't really need to concentrate on them. They are those types of business once you've put in the basic it should be able to it run by themselves.

Currently, I've started this online business of mine by joining Success University. This company sells personal development products, there are audios and videos streaming that I'll listen to a few times weekly. I realized that listening to Success University instructors talks has helped me maintain my level of motivation. I also learned much on communication and conversational skills which I believed I'm lacking.

By involving myself in online business I have to be disciplined, for instance, rather than watching the tube or snoozing off, I have to read, write and learn new internet skills. The other good side effect is that I'm not tempted to spend my money on things that will not bring much benefit to me.

Starting any business is not free, and the same goes for my Success University business, I have to spend money on marketing tools and subscription. This is much better than buying furniture or adding accessories to my car.

What did I do and what skills I've learnt?

-I joined Success University

-I joined co-op where we pooled money and used it for advertising our business

-I subscribed to Aweber auto responder to assist me in my e-mail marketing campaign

-I started a blog to get presence on the internet

-I tracked my website visitor statistics to see where I stood

-I constantly keep in touch with my upline who is an established internet marketer

-I visited blogs from my Success University's uplines daily

-I read other bloggers' blogs daily to get new ideas

Start Your Business Now

You have to start something, and as early as possible. Working for your self is a theme that Robert Kiyosaki talked about in his book "Poor Dad Rich Dad".

Now, you only need to see the changes that are happening around you. Presently you think your job is secure, it might not be so next year or even next month. Businesses and factories get shifted from one region to another region because of lower cost, government regulations, saturated market, etc.

Or you wanted to have the change because of the reasons stated at the early part of my article..... and hopefully you’ll never have to end them with, "I’ve spent a good deal of time, lugging this job and I don't know what else to do."

Friday, April 14, 2006

Part Time Opportunity For Tech Savvy Blogger

If anyone is interested in doing part time and also making some money, you can talk or e-mail to Kidino. He is looking for someone to blog for one of his website.

Interested, go to Kidino's Blog and read more his posting under the title "Tech-Savvy Blogger Wanted! Do You Work For Peanuts?" or go to

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Have to Leave Town

I will be out-station until the end of this week. Some works to be done in Johor, a state in Malaysia, located at the south.

Most probably I won't be updating my blog until this Saturday.

Before I forget again, next, I'm going to tell why I changed the position of my blog side bar from right to left. It used to be on the right if you are looking at your PC screen.


One Thing at A Time

One of my upline, Kidino sent an e-mail to me today.

He is going to release an ebook on search engine optimization (SEO)techniques for Adsense and affiliate programs.

The price for me as his subscriber is cheaper, so shall I buy it. I thought and thought and thought and finally.... naaah... I don't think so. I couldn't do so many things at the same time. Zamri has also advised me to take one thing at a time and master it, after that start looking for other technique to try and test.

If Kidino offer me it for free, I'll take it..hehe.

Under the ebook by Daegan "Internet MLM Success", do you know how many techniques there are. There are three under the free techniques and under the paid one there are another three, I've listed them below;

Forum Marketing
Article Marketing

Ezine Advertising
PPC Marketing

I have only started Blogging and Article Marketing and joined Daegan's Coop where I've paid him $80. In him...I have full trust to put up advertising banners for people to opt into my SU promotional page.

The number of prospects appearing in my SU lead page are encouraging but not on the conversion. But as Daegan said this is a number game, expect to get higher conversion if more people opt in.

I guess I have to put more effort into getting more targetted traffic to my blog.

And finally I've got a personally sponsored downline member, so thanks to the team leaders and SU for supporting me.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It's Getting Better

Today, I spent quite some time formatting my blog template and searching for application that can show me visitors statistics for my blog. As I've said before, if you are not able to assess your current standing compared to your goal then you will never know how much more effort to put in, or if you knew you have achieved your goal, maybe it's time to do something else, for example help others.

My task is not 100% finished but I have the basic script in the template now and can live with it.

Now back to Success University, the way I see it, to build your success nowadays, you can decide whether to do offline or online marketing. Not everyone is comfortable doing offline marketing which includes me and I guess not everyone is up for online marketing.

Doing online marketing is easy enough if you know all the basics and I think those people who love offline marketing will say the same about offline marketing.

One thing for sure is that both offline and online business need lots of prospects, for offline marketing your early prospects maybe you friends and family members, then after that, who?

Well my previous upline from previous MLM suggested that anyone whom I came into contact with, hmmmmn... easy spoken then done. Imagine going to the bank and whispering to the person beside you about this great business...that I'm so excited about... while filling in the deposit form.

I was told to do that. Can you do that? It takes a very strong willed person to do it.

So, can you see the beauty of online marketing, rejection free and without ever making a call to your prospect which can be anywhere on the globe. Unless they e-mailed you and ask you to call them.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

My Blog is Up Again

I FEEEEEL GRRRREAT - my blog is up again. And you know what, I've learned much about HTML.

If I have the time I'll go and see those question from bloggers asking help for the same problem that I've encountered. Maybe I give them a hand.

Article On Driving Traffic to a Blog or Website


This posting was originally posted at 9:40AM on Sunday, April 9, 2006

Yesterday I didn't do much work. I spent time reading articles after articles and postings after postings. What I was looking for yesterday is specific on the subject of how to drive internet traffic to your website.

Some of those things that I read are simply good but some of them are
From my observation if the content is good then I would want to know more about the author and what the author has written and posted. So naturally I will go to the author's website or blog to read more postings.

Now what are the attributes that I can think of that entice me.

Here they are :

1 - Told me what they exactly did, for example there is one posting about blogads, the writer explained what they are and how he used them. He experimented with two blogs and gave a good analysis on the performance. There are others explaining in depth matter about Google Adsense which I've not known before and also fraud which
was done by irresponsible publisher.

2 - No hint of advertising something in the article, just plain saying he was using some applications to do things. Not something like "....this thing really explode my passive'd want it...go become affiliate.." or something like that but in general, all the postings didn't have that kind of connotation.

3 - Will give me hints and ideas what I should do to drive more traffic coming to my blog. For example, up until now, I don't have any idea who and how many people have visited my blog. One of the article recommended to track visitors coming to your website. I also read that there are various ways traffics are tracked. You can choose to have visitor counter or web tracker or both with statistic report. In any situation, knowing where you are compared to others or your end goal is very important. That should be the basis of your next steps to achieve your target.

4 - The article is a bit different from other article, after I went through lots of reading there are a few that sounded like summary of something or simply repeating each other. I will at first glance or preview through an article to assess it's worth and if nothing intrigued me, then that's it, off to other place. Maybe they've read an article and modified it a bit or did the copy and paste thing. You can copy but add value, add value, add value. That's how the Japanese and the Korean do it.

5 - The posting is readable, this is reffering to how it is written, not on what is written. Simply rereading and rereading sentences to make out the meaning makes me dizzy. It's a waste of time. This happens in my opinion, when the writer write directly as he would speak to others or didn't do enough proofreading. If the content is heavy or technical and not easy to be comprehended, its alright, have you ever learn much when doing those easy things in life. In this situation the reader will still be able to get the basic meaning of the discussion. He should be able to come to the conclusion that the writer has explained something on the subject and
maybe he himself, the reader, need to check more on those things he is not sure about.

6 - There is a person behind that website or blog, who is not embarass to let others know a little bit about him or herself, preferably whom I can see a picture of and some personal information. I would love to know more of the person and would be wondering what do that person has to hide if I cannot find a bit on his or her personal info. It's like having this image of someone without a face or a shadow behind the PC.

There are a few more but maybe until next time....

Arghh... I still haven't finish curing the problem with my blog template...

Blogger Template Structure

This posting was originally posted on Saturday, April 8, 2006

Luckily I saved the HTML codings during the first time my SU Banner and side column (About Me & the advertisements) were up. I clicked View-->Source and saved the output in Notepad. Yesterday after doing some studying and thinking, I decided to paste the old HTML coding (or is it blogger coding??? I'm not sure, don't have time to check the correct term) back into my blog template. So that's why all the postings before March 19 can be seen here, not those after. And I wished... I had saved the blogger template earlier, then it will be a breeze to get back to status quo. After studying both of the formats from my other blog at there are major differences. The blog HTML, I would say is in a fix mode(no changes can be made using references) while the blogger template is using relative references. So the effect is that I cannot do automatic posting, and have to type my posting in the template.

Having Problem With My Blogger Template

This was originally posted on Friday, April 7, 2006

This problem, missing of my blog Template contents, happened after I make minute changes and updated it last Monday. Now I'm trying to learn and comprehend HTML to solve this problem. I have to dive into and study the template structure to make this posting appear. It's quite tedious. Using posting method is more user friendly.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Blogger Problem

The last time I can view all my posting was on Monday night.
After that I can only see SU Banner and some gibberish. Life
will always be like that, something bad waiting to happened.

At first I thought to wait for something to happen that
will give me back my blog but two days of waiting didn't help.
So I search through help, and finally when seeing there were so
many people having the same problem that I have I felt it's
no use asking them. Nobody seem to be able to give a good solution.

One of the recommended solution is to clear browser cache and then
restart the PC and then things should become normal. Did that multiple
time and nope, things didn't come back normal.

So I sent an email to blogger support and don't you love it when I got back automated reply advising me to look through the help pages. Well...the time have come to dig and learn something about blogger and HTML.


Good Advices

Last week I sat for a meeting. I want to share some of
the advice coming from the chairman.

1. Mix around with other nationalities
2. Keep your customers in the loop
3. Don't reject any complaint, show the way
4. Learn from your mistakes
5. Letting go is part of learning process
6. Give complement if it is due at the earliest moment
7. Don't restrict your own capabilities mentally
8. Make sure you have the supporting data when giving
9. Learn new things

Maybe, I'll explain on them in detail next time.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Getting My Priorities Right

I've been troubleshooting my PC for the past few days.

This time the operating system (Win 2000) is unstable, although all the malwares have been removed. Finally on Thursday night I decided to get my priorities right, so on Friday I reformatted my drive and load fresh new OS and less then 3 hours I got a new clean OS running. Fortunately I had earlier partition my harddisk, so no worry of losing my personal data which are stored separately.

Yesterday, I also subscribed for broadband. Now, it will be more faster when doing my Success University project. My mind is also free from the urge of always wanting to check how long I'm on the net when using dial-up, and thinking is it time to be off the net.

In Malaysia it cost 2.5 Malaysia cents (divide that by 4 and you'll get the figure in USD) per minute through dial-up. While the cheapest broadband package is RM45 or roughly $12 per month.

After this, I think I'll set time for article writing and submit it to articlesender.

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